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The Official Air Conditioning of Atlanta
Do you have guests coming to stay with you this holiday season? Before that doorbell rings, make sure your home is ready to keep the holidays merry and bright for everyone! This month, we highlighted four ways you can...
It's fall, y'all! Time to pack away the bathing suits and bring out the flannel. Well, maybe…Georgia weather can be pretty unpredictable! But one thing we know for sure: cold weather is coming, which means the...
Fall is almost here, and whenever a season changes, it's a good idea to take some time to assess how your home is doing. Did you recently move, maybe into an older home? Have you started to notice more wear and tear...
On average, we spend about 10 of our waking hours in our homes each day. That’s a lot of time spent breathing in and interacting with the rooms of your house. Why not ensure that your home is part of what keeps you...
At Shumate, we are committed to helping all Atlanta-area residents understand the importance of improving and protecting their homes' indoor air quality. We have shared some common sources of poor indoor air quality on...
Your air conditioning unit will usually give you clues it needs some attention before completely dying, so here are a few things to keep an eye out for.
With more time spent outdoors, you may already be planning a summer BBQ and wondering how you can make summer even more memorable this year. Here are some ideas for throwing your best-ever backyard summer BBQ!
It’s tax season, which also means it’s tax refund time! Are you already dreaming of what you’re going to use that extra money on? Many homeowners opt to put their tax refund into their homes to either update dated...
Have you noticed your utility bills creeping higher and higher with each passing month? Are areas of your home colder in winter and warmer in summer? These are both signs that something isn’t quite right with your...
Give us a call at 678-SHUMATE or Fill out the form below. We are here to help.